"On May 5, it became known about the detention by the SBU of a Chilean journalist and director in Kharkov," the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

The agency recalled that the Chilean actively commented on the events in Ukraine literally from their epicenter, talking about the origins of the crisis and "highlighting the atrocities of the Nazis."

The disappearance of this journalist is not the first time, the ministry recalled.

Last year, he stopped communicating on April 15, when it turned out that Lira was held by the Ukrainian special services, who seized his laptops. Then he was released due to the wide publicity of the disappearance in the media.

"Today he was again in the dungeons of the SBU, and we call on the world journalistic community to raise their voices in defense of their colleague and demand his immediate release," the statement said.

In August 2022, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that Amnesty International's report on violations of international legal norms and military law by the Ukrainian military did not suit Western countries.