MOSCOW — Unprecedented security measures marked Russia's commemoration of Victory over Nazism on May 1945, the most important and prominent holiday traditionally celebrated in Red Square since <>, when the Red Army took control of the German capital Berlin and raised the Soviet flag there.

According to the readings of Russian observers, the security situation related to the war in Ukraine has clearly cast a shadow on the military parade and the strict security precautions that surrounded it, especially as it comes after drones were shot down over the Kremlin a few days ago.

Anyone who watched the victory parade on television or from the guest stands could not help but note that this year's main military parade in Red Square was markedly different from its predecessors, where it was the most modest but the most militant.

The "Eternal Regiment" marches and May Day demonstrations were cancelled, a high level of "terrorist threat" was maintained in several areas, and security measures were tightened on flights, such as banning women from carrying nail coolers or perfume bottles in handbags.

On the other hand, the responsible authorities were keen to make people understand that such a thorough inspection was for their own safety.

Holy War

The celebration was an occasion for President Vladimir Putin to launch positions that took on a new intellectual dimension, such as saying that "civilization is once again at the crossroads of decisive transformations, a real war broke out again against our homeland, but we faced international terrorism, and we will continue to protect the people of Donbass and ensure the security of our country."

In his speech, the Russian president was keen to emphasize that "for Russia, there are no unfriendly or hostile peoples either in the West or in the East. Like the vast majority of people on this planet, we want to see a future of peace, freedom and stability," he said, stressing that "this is precisely the cause of the catastrophe experienced by the Ukrainian people, who have become hostages to a coup authority and a criminal regime of their Western masters, and have turned into a bargaining chip to implement their cruel and selfish plans."

Security concerns

"If the cancellation of the aerial part of the parade last year was then explained by the weather, then this year the vision was perfect, but the organizers of the parade took the recent drone attack on the Kremlin into account, and decided not to take the risk, even if the threat level was very small," says military expert Viktor Barantsev.

Speaking to Al Jazeera Net, Barantsev added that the conditions of the front, and the increasing readiness of Ukrainian forces for the counterattack with about 80,<> fighters, require a greater focus on field work and preparation for confrontation, not on celebrations.

This explains – according to the spokesman – the high level of Russian military operations in recent days against Ukrainian forces, their equipment, ammunition depots and gas stations, most notably the control of Russian forces at the entrances to all islands located at the mouth of the Dnieper River in the Kherson region.

The Russian expert pointed out that modern tanks, infantry fighting vehicles or long- and medium-range missile launch systems after modifications, as well as tactical operational missile systems are not seen on display this time, considering this to be in the same context referred to, as their presence is required and more urgent on the battlefields and on the contact lines.

Political messages

For his part, political writer Sergei Bersanov believes that the tense situation did not allow the celebration of Victory Day in the usual way, pointing to the Russian regions bordering Ukraine, and the recent security events, especially the attempt to attack the Kremlin Palace with two marches.

According to him, the central military parade in Moscow came this year in the circumstances of the continuation of the war in Ukraine and the collapse of relations with the Western system, to send political messages in the first place, which was included in Putin's speech, which carried a package of positions stating that Russia is fighting a battle in self-defense, and that it is determined to achieve its goals.

Bersanov pointed out that the division in the world today has cast a shadow even on the guest stage of honor, which is unusually devoid of ambassadors from Western countries, especially the United States and Britain, which has re-established the atmosphere of the Cold War era even in its formal aspects.

"Important dates in Russia whet Kiev's appetite for carrying out terrorist acts, which on the one hand raise the morale of the Ukrainian forces, and on the contrary to Russian forces and public opinion in Russia, which was not achieved during celebrations anywhere in the country," he said.