"Why are the Russians so slow? Because the Russians are not waging war... To wage war is a completely different matter, it is the complete destruction of infrastructure, it is the complete destruction of cities. We don't do that," he said in an interview with ATV.

According to Peskov, the Russian side is trying to preserve infrastructure and human lives.

Earlier, two drones exploded over residential buildings in the Belgorod region.

During the shelling of Donetsk by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, one of the shells hit a minibus. According to preliminary data, seven people were killed, including a child.

Another blow fell on a residential building. Several cars also burned down, and a trauma center was damaged.

Russian air defense systems shot down a Su-27 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force near the city of Izyum (Kharkiv region). Along with this, air defense intercepted four HIMARS MLRS shells during the day and destroyed ten Ukrainian drones.