Wenchang, Hainan, May 5 -- Experts explain in detail the Tianzhou-10 mission: What is the "package"? Why launch at night?

China News Agency reporter Ma Shuaisha

The Tianzhou-10 cargo spacecraft was successfully launched in Wenchang, Hainan on the evening of the <>th. What "packages" did the flight send to the Chinese space station? Why launch at night? How will Tianzhou-<>, which previously made room for the "parking space" for Tianzhou-<>, return to the space station and "meet" with it? Li Zhihui, deputy commander-in-chief of the Tianzhou-<> cargo spacecraft of the Fifth Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, was interviewed by the media to interpret the Tianzhou-<> mission.

The Long March 7 carrier rocket successfully launched the Tianzhou-6 cargo spacecraft. Photo courtesy of Xichang Satellite Launch Center

What "packages" are carried?

Li Zhihui said that the Tianzhou-10 cargo spacecraft is composed of cargo compartments and propulsion modules, with a total length of 6.200 meters, loaded with more than 5 cargo packages, and the total weight of transportation materials is about 8.<> tons.

It is reported that the Tianzhou-6 cargo spacecraft is loaded with astronauts' consumables in orbit, propellants and a number of space science experiment equipment, and the food sent to the astronauts includes not only fresh fruits, but also some holiday foods.

After the Tianzhou-6 "arrives", when will the astronauts unpack the "package"? Li Zhihui said that on the third day after the Tianzhou-6 cargo spacecraft completed its rendezvous and docking with the space station, astronauts will enter the Tianzhou-6 to disassemble the cargo package.

Why launch at night?

Combing through the launch time of the Tianzhou cargo spacecraft, it can be found that the first half of the year is generally launched at night, and the second half of the year is usually launched during the day. The Tianzhou-5 cargo spacecraft is scheduled to be launched at night in May, and the outside world is curious about the pattern of it.

The Long March 7 carrier rocket successfully launched the Tianzhou-6 cargo spacecraft. Photo by China News Agency reporter Luo Yunfei

It is understood that rocket launches generally have a launch time range, that is, a launch window. The launch window is affected by a variety of factors, such as the orbit of the spacecraft, the operating conditions of celestial bodies, space debris avoidance, ground tracking, measurement and control communications, and meteorological requirements.

Li Zhihui said that the launch time of the cargo spacecraft needs to be professionally calculated, and it must meet the conditions for the rendezvous and docking of the spacecraft and the space station, that is, the spacecraft can reach a 200-kilometer-high orbit orbit after a predetermined number of orbits, and then complete the rendezvous and docking with the space station through 6 orbit changes.

How do the "Tianzhou brothers" "get together"?

In order to free up the rear rendezvous interface for Tianzhou-5, the Tianzhou-5 cargo spacecraft separated from the space station assembly on May 2000 and transferred to the independent flight stage. Li Zhihui said that after the Tianzhou-<> withdrew from the space station, it gradually slowed down, while the operating speed of the space station remained unchanged, so the Tianzhou-<> will be farther and farther away from the space station, and when the Tianzhou-<> is launched, the Tianzhou-<> is more than <>,<> kilometers away from the space station, which is very safe for the rendezvous and docking mission of the Tianzhou-<> and the space station.

Subsequently, after the Shenzhou 6 manned spacecraft withdraws from the space station, the independent flying Tianzhou <> will return to the space station. Li Zhihui said that the Tianzhou cargo spacecraft plays two roles, one is to send materials to the space station, and the other is to take away waste. The two cargo spacecraft are in orbit at the same time, which can realize the separate placement of the space station cargo package and waste, of which the Tianzhou-<> cargo spacecraft will be used as a storage room for waste, controlled re-entry into the atmosphere in June, for ablation and destruction.

Talking about how the Tianzhou-5 "went home" after "going out for a walk", Li Zhihui pointed out that since the Tianzhou-5 was evacuated from the rear port of the space station and has been located behind the space station, it will need to fly around the forward port of the nodal module of the space station to complete rendezvous and docking and realize the space "gathering" of the "Tianzhou brothers". (End)