Hans-Erik Nilsson at Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall is Professor of Electronic Design. He sees above all a predominant reason why the Chinese company PTL has chosen Torsboda for its establishment.

– The availability of green is the most important factor in this context, according to Hans-Erik Nilsson.

Several factors

At the same time, there are additional factors that make Torsboda suitable. Hans-Erik Nilsson tells us in the video.

He also wants to highlight the research on anode technology that takes place at Mid Sweden University and hopes for future collaboration with PTL.

Had to buy the land

That the Chinese company has made a favorable deal with the municipalities and the municipally owned company Torsboda Industrial Park is not a wild guess. The agreement will not be made public, but according to Christian Söderberg, CEO of Torsboda Industrial Park AB, the deal will be beneficial for taxpayers.

"The company PTL has been able to buy the land in the area where the factory of Torsboda Industrial Park will be established at a cost that corresponds to the market value," explains Christian Söderberg.