See the outraged feelings of the residents of Borreboda in the video above!

In its new master plan, Töreboda municipality has identified the village of Borreboda with eight properties as a future commercial and industrial area.

The proposal will be discussed by the City Council on Monday evening. The municipality has informed about it in the way required by law, but has not previously contacted those affected directly.

Missing information

No residents in Borreboda therefore submitted comments in time. It was only when a farm in the area was put up for sale and the municipality appeared as a buyer that the residents got the municipality's plans clear. Why didn't the municipality just put a note in our mailboxes, many wondered at the meeting.

"With the benefit of hindsight, it's easy to think that it's clear that we should have put a letter in the mailbox, so they would have been aware that they were affected," municipal manager Michael Nordin told SVT News.

Personal attacks on meeting

At long last, Töreboda municipality had summoned the residents of the village of Borreboda to an information meeting. But the parties hardly reached any understanding. The municipal manager and planning manager failed to convince the residents of Borreboda of the benefits of their properties eventually becoming an industrial area.

The villagers, on the other hand, had difficulty distinguishing between the different roles of officials and politicians, and there were harsh personal attacks at the meeting. It went on for several hours and ended only when one by one of the residents left the meeting in affect.

"The meeting ended badly. But a lot of good views were still expressed, says municipal commissioner Linn Brandström (M), who participated on the link.