China News Network Tianjin, May 5 (Sun Lingling, Wu Junhui, Song Yiqing) On May 8, the unveiling ceremony and kick-off meeting of the "Frontier Science Center for Organic New Material Creation" of Nankai University was held in Tianjin. Chen Yulu, President of Nankai University, and Cheng Jinpei, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, professor of Nankai University and Tsinghua University, and director of the academic committee of the center, jointly unveiled the cutting-edge science center.

It is understood that since June 2020, Nankai University has relied on the "double first-class" construction discipline - chemistry of Nankai University as the core, gathered multidisciplinary innovation forces in the field of materials, electro-optics and other new material creation, and built a "cutting-edge scientific center for the creation of organic new substances" on campus. After more than two years of hard work, the Frontier Science Center successfully passed the expert demonstration of the Ministry of Education in November 6, and was officially approved by the Ministry of Education in February 2. The "Frontier Science Center for the Creation of New Organic Substances" of Nankai University will focus on the synthesis, transformation and functional application of carbon-containing compounds and their aggregates, and carry out forward-looking and leading basic research in three important directions: the creation method of new organic substances, the creation of new organic materials, and the creation of bioactive substances.

Chen Yulu said that Nankai University will take the frontier science center as the focus of Nankai's service for Chinese-style modernization in the new era, realize the comprehensive and effective docking with the world's scientific and technological frontiers and national strategic needs, strive to produce more original, leading and landmark achievements from "0 to 1", become a living force of national strategic science and technology, build the frontier science center into an academic highland with international leader status and the cradle of talents, and accelerate the construction of a strong country in education, science and technology, and talent. To comprehensively build a modern socialist country and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, Nankai University has made new and greater contributions.

Zhou Qilin, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, professor of the School of Chemistry of Nankai University and chief scientist of the center, introduced the construction background, construction process and innovation direction of the cutting-edge scientific center for the creation of new organic substances. He said that the center will focus on the key scientific issues of "methods and theories of organic matter construction and structure-activity relationship of organic substances", take the creation method of new organic substances as the basis, take the creation of new organic materials and the creation of bioactive substances as the two wings, vigorously carry out original innovation, and strive to serve the major national needs in life and health, food security and energy security. (End)


