The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that Isabelle Pedro, who worked as a spy in Egypt for Israel's Mossad, recently died at the age of 89.

The newspaper said that Isabel's story began at the beginning of the sixties of the last century during the rule of Gamal Abdel Nasser, when she traveled from Tel Aviv to Paris, France, where she met there a Mossad agent named "Michael" and it was none other than Yitzhak Shamir, Prime Minister later.

Shamir then addressed Isabel, Haaretz added, "Your mission is to penetrate Egypt, travel to all areas, follow any possible military activities, observe unusual events, listen to what Egyptian elites have to say, form relationships, and use your senses based on your understanding."

The newspaper quoted Isabelle as saying that Shamir was a Francophone person to the core, loved Paris and French food, and loved very much listening to the songs of Edith Piaf, the famous French singer.

Isabel was sent to Egypt as a researcher interested in studying archaeology in Egypt, and the newspaper said that she quickly succeeded in integrating with the elite of Egyptian society.

I was able to insert a transmitter into a wooden bag, along with a shortwave communication device to communicate with the Mossad.


According to Haaretz, the Israeli spy reported the transport of shipments of weapons to Sudan via trains, as well as details of the presence of Soviet military planes inside an airport.

While near the port of Alexandria, she monitored warships, and in Aswan she followed the details of the construction of the High Dam, and passed all the information to her superiors in the Mossad.

Haaretz said that Isabel was born in 1934 in Uruguay while her parents were there, and studied engineering and painting in Montevideo, and began to be active within the Zionist movement there.

The newspaper reported that Isabel had previously reported that she met in the Uruguayan capital with Israel's then Foreign Minister Golda Meir during an event for the Zionist movement, and then asked her to return to Israel, telling her, "We need you there."

In 1961, she immigrated to Israel and studied Hebrew, trained before being sent to Egypt, where she spent two years spying before returning to Tel Aviv in 1965.