It is a little music that rises on the rebellious side: Fabien Roussel has become "a national problem", tackles a framework of the movement.

In question, the recent remarks of the national secretary of the PCF who wants to "enlarge" the Nupes towards the center left and his benevolent comments on Gérald Darmanin, a man "who knows how to hear anger".

"When you have someone who favors all your opponents, like the interior minister ... or the former socialist prime minister Bernard Cazeneuve, it's a concern," notes the executive. "We can't build the Nupes with someone who weakens us."

Fabien Roussel plays today "the dividers", abounds the deputy LFI Paul Vannier.

Since the creation of the Nupes, this is not the first time that the former presidential candidate annoys the rebels, who hold him responsible for the defeat of their champion, Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

But last Tuesday, at a meeting of the leaders of the left-wing coalition, the tension escalated again.

In question, the insistence of LFI to discuss a potential common list for the European women and a possible single candidate for the presidential election of 2027.

Reluctant on these two subjects, Fabien Roussel did not mince his words, telling AFP to have described the Nupes as much as a "prospect of hope" as "ball (which) locks us in unavoidable political constructions".

"If you can't say what you think, it's a ball, a camisole, a straitjacket," he said.

Words that made Manuel Bompard, coordinator of La France insoumise, jump: "We understood that you want to get out of the Nupes. You can leave."

LFI leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Manuel Bompard (l), coordinator of La France insoumise, on May 6, 2023 in Marseille © CHRISTOPHE SIMON / AFP

"No," replied Fabien Roussel.

On the contrary, he says he wants the "unity" of the alliance and expresses his desire to "enlarge" it to those who fought against retirement at 64, citing the elected Liot, the anti-Nupes socialists Carole Delga or Anne Hidalgo.


For him, the way Manuel Bompard behaves with the ecologists, whom he is trying to convince to make a joint list for the Europeans, and with the communists, gives the impression that LFI "perhaps wants the alliance to explode by setting unacceptable conditions".

But the national secretary of the PCF thinks he can overcome the differences.

"We must accept the choices of each political force," he said, asking that his party be able to have "a different opinion on subjects such as work, security, borders."

Outgoing national secretary Fabien Roussel, during the 39th congress of the PCF, on April 7, 2023 in Marseille © Nicolas TUCAT / AFP / Archives

Not easy for LFI. "It was he who opened the ball of the migratory sequence by talking about a sieve border. It's irresponsible," said Paul Vannier.

For an ecologist executive, who does not appreciate the words of Fabien Roussel, "it is useless to overreact".

"At the moment, he is living his best life, he makes people react every time he speaks, he has the impression that he is reviving the PCF. I think he's finishing it."

"Fabien Roussel is a bit +Patrick Chirac+", the hero of the film Camping, ironically a socialist. "He's a nice guy, but we don't understand what he's doing."

Even in the ranks of the PCF, an official, opposed to the line of the national secretary, considers that the latter has put himself "in a funnel" by wanting to "play a singular score".

"It is a media success but it comes at a high price, it causes trouble about what the PCF defends, we are undermining our capital with the people of the left."

On the other hand, internally, "this attitude of strong offbeat head pleases," he acknowledges. "We heated them so much to emancipate ourselves from LFI."

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