□ Li Jian, special correspondent of this newspaper

In the past few days, South Korean President Yoon Seok-yue's visit to the United States has caused controversy. According to a report by South Korea's KBS TV on the 3rd, Yoon Seok-yue said that South Korea "has no choice" in response to criticism of the "Washington Declaration" and other results of the South Korea-US summit talks. South Korea's Current Affairs magazine pointed out that a foreign policy like Yoon's, which highlights confrontation with neighboring countries and emphasizes relations between South Korea, the United States and Japan, is causing constant concern.

"Alternative Leaders"

"South Korean citizens will take on the danger of alternative diplomacy in the new Cold War," Hanmin Shimbun published an article by Lee Jong-seok, former South Korean Unification Minister on May 5, noting that Yoon Seok-hyeol is becoming a different "alternative leader" in the diplomatic field than previous presidents.

According to the analysis, in the past 60 years since the Park Chung-hee regime, South Korea's presidents, regardless of their conservative and progressive temperament, have worked hard to stabilize the situation on the Korean Peninsula in foreign policy. In the past 30 years since the Roh Tae-woo regime established diplomatic relations with China and Russia, no president has provoked the two countries to provoke them without touching South Korea and exacerbate the instability on the Korean Peninsula on his own. But Yoon Seok-yue is different, he is not satisfied with a tough policy towards North Korea, but proposes to cooperate with the value diplomacy of the United States, provoking China and Russia, and exacerbating unease. The actions of Yoon's government now seem overly aggressive, like a new Cold War fighter who has pushed the world back into a Cold War-era inter-camp showdown, and I wonder if he has seriously considered the dangers that his actions will entail for his citizens.

Some experts pointed out that during Yin Xiyue's visit to the United States, his appearance was also displayed intact. He unscrupulously crossed the line that South Korean diplomacy had never crossed before for the national interest, and during his visit to the United States, he emphasized value-based diplomacy, mentioned issues related to China and Russia, and clearly stood in opposition to the two countries. The South Korea-U.S. joint statement unaltered includes phrases often used by the United States against China and Russia. On the contrary, he did not offer any explanation for the special situation of South Korea due to the geopolitical characteristics of the Korean peninsula. Yoon should face up to the fact that China and Russia are important countries second only to the United States in influencing the fate of the Korean Peninsula. Successive South Korean presidents are not as smart as Yoon Seok-yue and do not know the value of freedom, and the reason why they have not touched on the Taiwan issue and tried not to provoke Russia is because they know that this path is essential to maintaining peace on the Korean Peninsula and seeking national security.

The opposition party bitterly criticized and humiliated

According to a report by Yonhap News Agency on May 5, although the ruling party and the presidential office "highly evaluated" the results of Yoon Seok-yue's visit to the United States, the opposition parties obviously held different views. South Korea's largest opposition party, the Democratic Party, bitterly criticized Yoon Seok-yue's visit to the United States on the 1st as a "shame" and "sang a tune worth 1 trillion won." Park Young-jin, a member of the Democratic Party of Korea, said on the same day: "It is a shame that some people have made South Korea a complainer of nuclear commons in order to highlight the results of dealing with the North Korean nuclear project." Kim Eui-kyun, a lawmaker affiliated to the party, also said that in terms of the "Anti-Inflation Law" that is directly related to the jobs of young people in South Korea, Yoon Seok-yue's visit to the United States can be described as empty-handed, although it is claimed to attract 150 trillion won from the United States to attract US investment in South Korea, but recently South Korean companies have invested as much as 7 trillion won in the United States, "which means that Yoon Seok-yue's ditty is worth 153 trillion won", and the White House is also the most expensive singing room in the world. This is actually a critique of Yoon Seok-yue's singing at the White House dinner.

In response to Yin Xiyue's claim that "China does not participate in sanctions against the DPRK at all," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said at a regular press conference on May 5 that the issue of the peninsula is a political and security issue, and the crux of the problem lies in the failure to achieve the transformation of the ceasefire mechanism, and the inability of all parties to address their legitimate concerns in a balanced manner, especially the failure of the United States to respond to the legitimate security concerns of the DPRK. It is hoped that the parties concerned will clearly understand the crux of the Korean Peninsula issue and prescribe the right medicine, rather than seeking fish from the woods. Mao Ning said that China has always earnestly fulfilled its due international obligations, and at the same time, the Security Council's DPRK-related resolutions not only have sanctions provisions, but also reversible provisions to support dialogue, humanitarian assistance and sanctions relief, and the Security Council's DPRK-related resolutions should be fully and accurately understood and implemented.

Earlier, on April 4, in response to Yin Xiyue's statement in a US speech that the US military "broke through the tactics of the 28,12 people of the Chinese Communist Party of China and achieved miraculous results" in the Battle of Changjin Lake in the Korean War, Mao Ning said that the great victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea is of great and far-reaching significance to China and the world. It tells the world with ironclad facts that as long as any country or any army stands on the opposite side of the trend of historical development, bullies the weak, acts perversely, and expands aggression, it will surely run into bloodshed. It is hoped that the countries concerned will do more things conducive to world peace and development and will not repeat the mistakes of the past. Mao Ning stressed: Regarding the Battle of Changjin Lake, according to Chinese war history, a total of 3,6 enemies were annihilated in this battle, of which 2,4 were US troops, including an entire regiment of US troops, and Lieutenant General Walker, commander of the US 8th Army, also died in the chaos. Then-U.S. Secretary of State Acheson called it "the longest defeat in American history."

The Korean people strongly opposed it

Yoon's pro-U.S., Japan-flattering, and anti-China foreign policy continues to arouse strong opposition from the South Korean public. According to South Korea's "Gyeongseung Shimbun" reported on May 5, South Korea's "Participation in Linkage" and "Economic Justice Practice Citizens' Union" held a discussion on the 4rd to evaluate Yoon Seok-yue's economic, diplomatic and social policies after he came to power. Some participants said that the Yoon Seok-yue government, relying on the so-called "strength and military strength" to continue to promote a tough policy toward the DPRK, is triggering a crisis in the Korean Peninsula War, and in terms of diplomacy with Japan, it is promoting a "third-party compensation plan" that the people do not approve of, and is eager to ease relations between South Korea and Japan.

South Korean economic circles have also expressed concern about Yoon's foreign policy towards China. According to a report on South Korea's "ZT" news website on May 5, as Yoon Seok-yue successively attacked China on Taiwan and other issues, the sense of unease of South Korean companies in China is spreading rapidly, and the stock prices of many companies have fallen sharply. The Korean cosmetics industry, for example, originally hoped to expand sales in China due to the recovery of Chinese consumption, but is now in a state of anxiety because South Korea-China relations may deteriorate. Amorepacific, which has been in the Chinese market for more than 4 years, saw its sales fall by 20.16% last year due to sluggish sales in China. Amorepacific is also now worried that sales in China may continue to decline. South Korea's duty-free shops are also cloudy, originally expecting China to enter the post-epidemic era to be able to flood a large number of Chinese tourists, but as South Korea-China relations deteriorated, Chinese group guests have not yet unblocked South Korea. South Korea's three largest duty-free shops saw sales fall 8 percent last year from the year before, while only 28,3 Chinese tourists visited the country in March, down 73390 percent from a year earlier.