The United States seeks hegemony, maintains hegemony, and abuses hegemony to do great harm

Uncover the hypocrisy of "security guards"

Reporter Chai Yaxin and Xue Peng

On May 5, the National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center and 4 jointly released an investigation report, revealing the relevant circumstances of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) using cyber attacks on other countries, disclosing the specific process of some typical cybersecurity cases in China and other countries, comprehensively and deeply analyzing the CIA's cyber attack theft and related real-world harmful activities, and its contribution to the United States becoming a "matrix".

The large number of real-life cases in China and other countries disclosed in the report is another example of the CIA's long-term cyberattacks around the world to undermine global cybersecurity. Using the so-called "cybersecurity" as an excuse to engage in "small circles" to create division and confrontation; Mass surveillance under the pretext of so-called "public safety" and invasion of privacy; The implementation of a technological blockade under the guise of so-called "technological security" undermines the right to development ... The hegemonic hand of the United States has reached out in all directions, and the United States, which prides itself as a "security guard", has caused systemic harm to global security and development.

To create chaos and turmoil in the world, the CIA uses 5 means to plan "color revolutions" in more than 50 countries

The report begins by stating that for a long time, the CIA has secretly carried out "peaceful evolution" and "color revolutions" around the world, and continued to carry out espionage activities.

The "color revolution" is the usual means used by the United States to achieve geopolitical and economic goals, which aims to promote anti-Western regime change, intensifies the confrontation between the government and the people by constantly fanning the flames, and finally subverts the regime, bringing the target country into the global political, economic and security order led by the United States.

From the impact of the international socialist camp in the 20s of the 80th century, the drastic changes in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the early 90s to the "Rose Revolution" in Georgia in 2003, from the "Orange Revolution" in Ukraine in 2004 to the "Tulip Revolution" in Kyrgyzstan in 2005, from the "Arab Spring" in West Asia and North Africa in 2011 to the "Second Color Revolution" in Ukraine in 2014, etc., they have been recognized by international institutions and scholars around the world as typical cases of "color revolutions" led by the United States. According to statistics, over the decades, the CIA has overthrown or attempted to overthrow at least 50 legitimate governments of other countries (and the CIA has only recognized 7 of them), causing unrest in the countries concerned.

"For a long time, under the guise of 'democracy, freedom and human rights', the United States has supported pro-American forces around the world, instigated 'color revolutions', created separatism and confrontation, led to regime changes in some countries, and plunged into the quagmire of political turmoil, economic decay and people's livelihood hardship. The actions of the United States have seriously jeopardized world peace, stability and development. Zhang Weiwei, dean of the Institute of China Studies at Fudan University, wrote an article.

Since entering the 21st century, the rapid development of the Internet has provided new opportunities for the CIA's infiltration, subversion and sabotage activities, and institutions and individuals around the world who use US Internet equipment and software products have become puppet "agents" of the CIA, helping the agency quickly become a dazzling "star" in the cyber espionage war.

The report reveals the CIA's primary technical means of orchestrating and implementing a large number of "color revolutions" around the world, including a nontraditional regime change technique known as "swarming" to push Internet-connected young people to join mobile protests that "shoot a shot for a place."

"The CIA uses cyber technology to spread disinformation in the cyberspace of various countries, manipulate 'color revolutions' such as the Arab Spring, subvert multinational regimes, and bring serious economic losses and social unrest to countries." Zhou Ningnan, an assistant researcher at the Institute of Science and Technology and Cyber Security at the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, cited the "Arab Spring" movement caused by the self-immolation in Tunisia, which caused more than 100 million deaths, nearly $1 trillion in infrastructure damage, and more than 1500 million refugees. In Tunisia, previously considered a so-called success story of the Arab Spring, GDP has stagnated since 2010, with per capita GDP even falling from $4000,3600 to $<>,<> a year.

A number of typical cyber attacks in China have extracted samples of Trojans, functional plug-ins and attack platforms closely related to the CIA

"In the cyber attacks that have been discovered specifically against targets in China, we have successfully extracted multiple samples of Vault 7 cyberattack weapons, as well as nearly identical samples from partners in several Southeast Asian countries and Europe." The report states.

In 2020, 360 independently discovered a never-before-seen cyberattack group that used CIA-linked cyberweapon tools to carry out cyberattacks against targets in China and other countries, dating back to 2011. The targets include important information infrastructure, aerospace, scientific research institutions, petroleum and petrochemicals, large Internet companies and government agencies in various countries.

According to the report, in the course of investigating a number of typical cyber attacks in China, the joint investigation team captured and successfully extracted a large number of Trojans, functional plug-ins and attack platform samples closely related to the CIA from the information network of the victim unit.

In recent years, the United States has carried out large-scale, long-term, and systematic cyberattacks against China, seriously jeopardizing the security of China's critical infrastructure, massive personal data, and trade and technical secrets. For example, in June 2022, Northwestern Polytechnical University issued a statement saying it had been hit by a cyberattack. Later, after investigation, it was found that the United States had used 6 kinds of special cyber attack weapons and equipment to launch thousands of attacks and steal secrets against Northwestern Polytechnical University, stealing a batch of core technical data. The investigation also found that the National Security Agency (NSA) TAO carried out tens of thousands of malicious cyber attacks against cyber targets in China, controlled tens of thousands of network devices (network servers, Internet terminals, network switches, telephone exchanges, routers, firewalls, etc.), and stole more than 41GB of high-value data.

In Zhou Ningnan's view, US technological hegemony has exacerbated the global cybersecurity dilemma. The United States can almost carry out cyber attacks and network penetration on global network equipment, and the CIA's cyber weapon "Dome 7" has been deployed in China, Europe, Southeast Asia and other countries, launching indiscriminate cyber attacks, undermining the sovereignty of various countries, and monitoring victims in various countries 24 hours a day, violating the privacy and other human rights of citizens of various countries. The United States is irresponsible in the management of cyber attack weapons, and the CIA and NSA cyber weapons have proliferated on the network, which is the initiator of global cyber security threats such as extortion attacks.

"The United States has seriously disrupted the global cybersecurity order, carried out unfettered cyber attacks on countries around the world, and undermined the cyberspace order such as the Code of Conduct for Responsible States in Cyberspace formulated by countries under the United Nations Governmental Expert Group on Information Security and the Open Working Group in the past 20 years." In order to strengthen its own cyber attack capabilities, the United States has connived at and harbored the cyber attack weapons industry at home, resulting in a flood of the global cyber surveillance industry that is difficult to manage. Zhou Ningnan said.

US hegemony extends to the field of science and technology, disrupting the stability of the global industrial chain and supply chain, and harming global interests

In recent years, the United States has extended its hegemonism to the field of science and technology, using baseless accusations, "long-arm jurisdiction", suppression sanctions, technological blockade and other despicable means to put its own interests above the interests of other countries and threaten global economic security.

According to foreign media news, US President Joe Biden is expected to sign an executive order in the coming weeks to restrict US companies' investment in key economic areas in China, including semiconductors, artificial intelligence, quantum computing and so on.

In fact, in key economic fields such as semiconductors, the United States has "curbed fair competition" in the name of "competition" and suppressed other countries is no longer a "first test". Taking the semiconductor industry as an example, in the 20s of the 80th century, in order to combat the development of Japan's semiconductor industry, the United States adopted measures including launching the "301" investigation, creating chips for bilateral negotiations through multilateral agreements, threatening to list Japan as an unfair trading country, and imposing retaliatory tariffs to force Japan to sign the "US-Japan Semiconductor Agreement", resulting in Japanese semiconductor companies almost completely withdrawing from global competition, and the market share fell from 50% to 10%. At the same time, with the support of the US government, a large number of US semiconductor companies have seized the opportunity to seize the market.

Today, the United States continues to politicize, instrumentalize, and weaponize economic, trade, and scientific and technological issues, engage in "small courtyards and high walls," forcibly "decouple and break chains," and carry out economic coercion on its allies at the expense of its friends and self-enrichment.

The United States has concocted various excuses to chase and suppress internationally competitive Chinese high-tech enterprises, and has now included more than 5,<> Chinese enterprises in various sanctions lists. The United States has also implemented controls on high-end technologies such as biotechnology and artificial intelligence, strengthened export controls, and strictly reviewed investments. The United States even used national power to suppress and sanction China's Huawei, restrict Huawei products from entering the US market, cut off the supply of chips and operating systems, and coerce other countries around the world to prohibit Huawei from participating in local <>G network construction.

Last year, the US "Chip and Science Act" was signed into law, which set up differentiated industrial support policies such as huge subsidies for the US chip industry, and some provisions restricted the normal economic and trade and investment activities of relevant enterprises in China, showing a strong geopolitical color, which is another example of economic coercion by the United States.

"Because the globalization process of the semiconductor industry has reached an irreversible degree, if this situation is forcibly changed, it will only tear and fragment the global semiconductor market, and the semiconductor industry will fall into deep uncertainty." Measures such as U.S. export controls are undermining the security of the global semiconductor supply chain. Wei Shaojun, chairman of the IC Design Branch of the China Semiconductor Industry Association and executive vice chairman of the China Integrated Circuit Innovation Alliance, wrote that the reason behind the global semiconductor industry is global cooperation. The United States' beggar-thy-neighbor approach will eventually harm others and harm itself.

"The real purpose of the US side is to deprive China of its right to development and safeguard its own hegemonic and selfish interests, which is naked economic coercion and scientific and technological bullying, which seriously violates the principles of market economy and fair competition, seriously undermines the international economic and trade order, seriously disrupts the stability of the global industrial chain and supply chain, and harms the interests of the entire world." Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said.

The United States seeks hegemony, maintains hegemony and abuses its hegemony to do great harm, and the historical trend of peace, development, cooperation and win-win results is unstoppable

A few days ago, at the spring meeting of the WTO Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, Chinese delegates criticized the discriminatory subsidy policies and measures of the United States and called on the WTO to effectively supervise such subsidy measures. Representatives of Russia, Morocco and other countries also expressed serious concerns at the meeting about the US practice of imposing countervailing duties on imported goods.

The United States was one of the main founders of today's international economic order and multilateral trading system, but today, the self-centered United States continues to transform the internationally recognized world trade order into a world trade order based on power, which is wreaking havoc on the entire world.

"Friendly shore outsourcing" refers to the gradual concentration of international division of labor and trade objects in advanced economies such as the United States on partners with similar values and political and economic systems. The International Monetary Fund recently released a report that the rise of "friendly shore outsourcing" may cause the most harm to less developed markets.

In his book "The Jungle Reappears: The United States and Our World in Crisis," Robert Kagan, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said that populism, tribalism and egoism have risen in the United States in recent years, and what they are doing is accelerating the world's degradation into a "jungle" of the jungle.

Zhou Ningnan told reporters that the global industrial chain has evolved for decades and has its own development laws. The United States uses its hegemony to maintain its technological monopoly advantage and industrial discourse power, and brings the "law of the jungle" into the Internet, science and technology and other fields, hindering the transformation and upgrading of developing countries, thereby aggravating world economic imbalance and dragging down world economic growth.

There is much help for the righteous, but little help for the unrighteous. Political hegemony, military hegemony, economic hegemony, scientific and technological hegemony, cyber hegemony, cultural hegemony... The United States seeks hegemony, maintains hegemony, and abuses hegemony to do great harm. The historical trend of peace, development, cooperation and win-win results is unstoppable. Hegemonic acts such as unilateralism, solipsism and perverse behavior are bound to meet with increasingly strong criticism and opposition from the international community. (China Discipline Inspection and Supervision News)