Hezhou, Guangxi, May 5 (Zhongxin Net) -- From May 6 to 5, the Hakka Rural Revitalization Agricultural and Commercial Exchange Delegation from Hualien County, Taiwan visited Hezhou, Guilin and Liuzhou, Guangxi. Yang Fengshuo, honorary advisor of Taiwan's Hualien County Hakka Association, said in an interview with reporters during the visit that Hakka teenagers in Guilian and Taiwan should strengthen exchanges and learn from each other to inherit Hakka culture.

In Hezhou, the delegation of more than 20 people visited Hezhou Jiang's Hakka Walled House, Guitai Modern Agriculture Demonstration Base, Tanchong Village Ma'an Village and other places to explore the "code" of Hakka cultural inheritance and solid promotion of rural revitalization.

The Hezhou Jiang's Hakka Walled House was built during the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty and is one of the most complete, largest and oldest ancient buildings in China. The scattered square Hakka buildings, the intricate carvings of hundreds of beasts and the simple and elegant Ming and Qing dynasty furniture allowed the delegation members to appreciate the humanistic history of the Hakka people.

The picture shows the Hakka Rural Revitalization Agricultural and Commercial Exchange Delegation in Hualien County, Taiwan, watching the Hakka folk performance at the Temple of the Three Kings of the Hakka ancestors. Photo by Zhang Yajie

In Hakka villages, mountain songs have been passed down from generation to generation. "Hakka welcomes guests", "Moonlight", "Hakka reunion of the four seas"... The local Hakka people in Hezhou welcomed the visiting Taiwan compatriots with Hakka special programs, and compatriots from the two places also sang "The True Color of Hakka" together, singing the strong family affection of "the world's Hakka belongs to a family, and the mountains and water are not soundproof".

Yang Fengshuo said: "When I came to Hezhou this time, the local Hakka children could welcome us in Hakka when they saw us. The members of the mission were pleased. At present, Hakka children in Taiwan do not speak Hakka very well, and we very much hope that Hakka teenagers in the two places will have more exchanges. ”

Yang Fengshuo said that Hakka culture is very distinctive, Hakka song and dance is one of the expressions of Hakka culture, and Hakka people in Guitai and Taiwan can have more exchanges in the field of Hakka song and dance. "When I came to Hezhou this time, I was very impressed to see the original Hakka folk songs and dances in the countryside. Some of their singing voices are almost impossible to see in Taiwan. We want to preserve these cultures through exchanges. Yang Fengshuo said.

Wu Caixun, secretary general of Taiwan's Hualien County Hakka Association, also said in an interview with reporters that when he came to Hezhou, he felt very cordial to communicate with local villagers in Hakka dialect. "At present, we are faced with a situation where many of our Hakka next generation do not speak Hakka, some can speak some, but they do not speak well. We have been promoting Hakka speaking by the Hakka people, and we have organized some activities for the descendants of the Hakka people to speak Hakka. Wu Caixun said.

The picture shows the Hakka Rural Revitalization Agricultural and Commercial Exchange Delegation in Hualien County, Taiwan, watching the Hakka folk performance at the Temple of the Three Kings. Photo by Zhang Yajie

Wu Caixun said that this visit to Hezhou and saw many local children, who wore Hakka costumes, danced Hakka dances, spoke Hakka dialect, and felt like home. "We are all Hakka people, and we should all undertake the mission of inheriting and developing Hakka culture, and strengthen the friendship between the villagers in the two places through exchanges." Wu Caixun said.

Fan Gangneng, a member of the visiting delegation, said that the local infrastructure in Guangxi is very good, and the local agricultural industry contains many business opportunities, and hopes that young people in Taiwan will come to Guangxi to take a look, and they will see that they have a different mainland and a different Guangxi, and believe that when they come to the mainland and come to Guangxi, they will get entrepreneurial employment opportunities.

As one of the Hakka settlements in Guangxi, Hezhou has the most complete, largest and oldest Hakka walled house complex in South China. There are about 80,60 Hakka people in the city, and more than <>% of the citizens speak Hakka, which is the lingua franca of Hezhou in addition to Mandarin. In recent years, with the deepening of exchanges and cooperation between Guizhou and Taiwan, Hezhou is gradually becoming an important city for Hakka cultural exchanges between Guizhou and Taiwan. (End)