Beijing, 5 May (ZXS) -- On 6 May local time, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang held the Fourth Sino-Pakistani Foreign Ministers' Strategic Dialogue with Pakistani Foreign Minister Bilawal in Islamabad.

Qin Gang said that China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic cooperative partners, and the relations between the two countries have been tested and are rock solid. China highly appreciates Pakistan's valuable support on issues involving China's core interests, and will, as always, firmly support Pakistan in defending its national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, firmly support Pakistan in combating terrorism, and firmly support Pakistan in maintaining unity and stability, achieving development and prosperity and playing a greater role in international and regional affairs.

Qin Gang pointed out that China is willing to work with Pakistan to implement the important consensus of the leaders of the two countries, maintain the momentum of high-level exchanges, strengthen strategic communication, promote all-round cooperation between China and Pakistan, add new impetus to the development of bilateral relations, and provide stability and positive energy for the region and the world. The two sides should promote the high-quality development of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, expand cooperation in industry, agriculture, minerals, science and technology, information technology and other fields, create new growth points in the corridor, and deepen people-to-people exchanges. China will continue to do its utmost to support Pakistan in accelerating its development and maintaining financial stability. China is willing to deepen cooperation with Pakistan in security capacity building and security system, and expects Pakistan to continue to take the strictest measures to protect the safety of Chinese personnel, projects and institutions in Pakistan.

Qin Gang said that China is willing to work with Pakistan to promote the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative to take the lead in landing in Pakistan, strengthen cooperation with Pakistan under multilateral mechanisms such as the United Nations, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and firmly safeguard international fairness and justice and the common interests of developing countries.

Bilawal said that Pakistan regards China as an eternal friend, consolidating the traditional friendship between Pakistan and China is the consensus of all parties and all sectors of society, and deepening friendly cooperation between Pakistan and China is the cornerstone and center of Pakistan's foreign policy. The Pakistani side thanked China for assisting Pakistan in evacuating overseas Chinese from Sudan and providing great assistance to Pakistan in fighting floods. The Pakistani side firmly opposes any attempt to contain China, and firmly believes that China will continue to develop and succeed, and will always stand with China. Pakistan firmly adheres to the one-China policy and firmly supports China on all issues involving China's core interests. We look forward to working closely with China to jointly promote the construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, strengthen cooperation in agriculture, trade, finance, connectivity, humanities, counter-terrorism, defense and other fields, and promote the all-weather strategic cooperative partnership between Pakistan and China into a new era. The Pakistani side will go all out to hunt down the suspects of China-related terrorist attacks, resolutely crack down on terrorist organizations such as the East Turkestan Islamic Movement and the Baloch Liberation Army, and ensure the safety of Chinese personnel, projects and institutions in Pakistan. Pakistan supports the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, appreciates China's facilitation of Shah-Iran reconciliation, and is willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation with China in multilateral institutions to jointly combat terrorism and address global challenges such as climate change.

The two sides also had an in-depth exchange of views on strategic issues of common concern. (End)