Police and civil guards summoned by the Jusapol platform have mobilized this Saturday in Madrid to demand a dignified retirement and denounce a "double discrimination" they suffer in the calculation of their pensions, asking the Government to listen to them and end the "lesser" treatment they receive compared to regional agents.

From JUPOL and JUCIL, the two organizations integrated in Jusapol and that are the majority in both the National Police and the Civil Guard, have advocated for a regulatory change and have warned that they will be vigilant and that they will take their protest to the offices.

On the one hand, they claim this change because those who entered before 2011 are calculated their pension based on the old regime of passive classes, so they will receive --detail-- a lower amount than those who entered both bodies after that date and who take advantage of the general Social Security regime.

And, on the other hand, because in both cases the amounts will be considerably lower than those received by the officials of the regional police and that can reach a difference of "up to one thousand euros per month".

The president of Jusapol, Miguel Gómez, has also transferred the discomfort of the "only policemen" in Spain to those who do not recognize them as a risky profession. "We are tired of them attacking our professional dignity, treating us like a minor policeman," he said.

Gómez has pointed out in a statement that when "wage discrimination" is allowed and not fixed, "the morale and spirit" of the agents are damaged, recalling that they have put solutions in the hands of the political parties: "It is a matter of political will, if they want equality for us or not. "


Jusapol has asked in the streets of the capital that "once and for all" the necessary mechanisms are initiated to resolve the existing wage differences "for more than 30 years" and with the "complicity", they denounce, of the different governments, hence they urge the current one to "not put itself in profile" and end that gap.

For his part, the secretary general of JUPOL, Aarón Rivero, has pointed out that the regional police "charge more, retire better" and their work is considered risky "for doing exactly the same job". And from JUCIL, his counterpart, Ernesto Vilariño, has shown his confidence that both the Administration and the parties take note of these demands and adopt measures to solve the "inequalities".

The protest has been backed by the CSIF union, which demands the equalization of the salary of all prison workers and recognition as agents of authority "in the face of the increase in violent episodes in prisons."

And he explained that State prison officials suffer today a difference between 7,908 and 10,112 euros per year on average compared to those dependent on the Generalitat of Catalonia.

  • Generalitat of Catalonia
  • Social security
  • Civil Guard
  • National Police

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