Vilna Stone SEASON 2022 - 202320h16, 06 May 2023

Find the entirety of "Europe Soir Week-end" with Pierre de Vilno and his guests, on Europe 1.


Franz-Olivier Giesbert, journalist and writer

Antoine Léaument, LFI-NUPES MP for the 10th constituency of Essonne

Benjamin Morel, lecturer in public law at the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas, author of La France en miettes. Régionalismes, l'autre séparatisme (Ed. du Cerf, Feb. 2023)

Thomas Scarpellini, jurist

Jean-Marc Luisada, classical pianist, performer of "Au cinéma ce soir"

Lionel Gougelotand Stéphane Place, Europe 1 special envoys in London