Less than a week after the May 1 mobilization, several unions and left-wing parties called for this new rally to demand to "live, work and age with dignity", as indicated by the banner at the head.

"Today, it is the manifestation of all anger because everything is linked, the struggle can only be global," said Anne-Marie Meynard, 68, a former social worker. For example, "if we increased women's salaries, we would not have a problem financing pensions," the protester added.

Another on his sign made the link with the climate: "+2 years: old jobs. +2 degrees: everyone underwater". Another mocked the news of the day, the coronation of Charles III, brandishing on a piece of cardboard: "Macron, not my king".

"We know that these angers will federate," said Jean-Luc Mélenchon at the foot of the truck of La France insoumise surrounded by deputies of the department, Hérault and MEP Marina Mesure.

Protesters participating in the "march of anger" in Marseille, May 6, 2023 © CHRISTOPHE SIMON / AFP

"They can always believe that they will eventually overcome it through fatigue and resignation, they will not succeed," he said, referring to those who govern, adding: "There are cities where we are tired, but not in Marseille."

"There is everything that is wrong, anger is very high," rent increases, rental charges, murders in organized gang in Marseille, pension reform, listed Babette Johsua. "I was lucky enough to retire at 60 and since then the France has not collapsed," she quipped.

On the security situation in Marseille, where bloody violence linked to drug trafficking has already left 16 dead since the beginning of the year according to an AFP count, Jean-Luc Mélenchon said that "Marseille or no one will get used to this kind of situation".

For him, "the extension of drug trafficking goes hand in hand with the trafficking of arms and human beings" and "it is in this direction that we must deploy the police and repression, not on motorcycles to run after people who demonstrate to demand their right to retirement".

© 2023 AFP