Victory of the separatists. The list led by former President of French Polynesia Oscar Temaru has won the second round of territorial elections, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin announced on Twitter on Monday (May 1st).

The Tavini huiraatira list wins the territorial elections in French Polynesia and will have to elect the future president of the archipelago. Together with Jean-François Carenco, we congratulate Oscar Temaru and Moetai Brotherson on their victory.

— Gérald DARMANIN (@GDarmanin) May 1, 2023

With 44.2% of the vote against 38.5% for the list of outgoing President Édouard Fritch, according to provisional results published by the High Commission, the separatists obtained an absolute majority of the 57 seats in the Territorial Assembly and have a stable majority to govern the South Pacific community for five years.

Congratulations to the #Polynésie. It gives the government to the list of our comrade @Moetai1.
A new era begins. Demanding mutual respect, spirit of reason and compromise.
Macron must not brutalize people. The France loves Polynesia.

— Jean-Luc Mélenchon (@JLMelenchon) May 1, 2023

With AFP

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