On the kitchen table, photos of Yasmine are next to some lit candles and even though it is difficult, the mother tells about last Monday when the world fell apart for the family.

"They called and said Yasmine is seriously injured and on her way to Sunderby Hospital, but I didn't make it there. By the time I got to the hospital, it was too late. They tried to save Yasmine, but they couldn't, says Maria.

Yasmine changed

Why Yasmine died is not yet clear. The autopsy report will show this.

The mother says that Yasmine started to change about a year ago. She didn't feel so well and then tried to "boff", which means sniffing propellant. In Yasmine's case, it was dry shampoo.

"She boffed when she felt bad, she said it's popular now, everyone does it. Now I want to warn other parents. Be vigilant, says Yasmine's mother.

"I'm really angry"

Both she and Yasmine's father feel betrayed by society:

"Neither schools, social services nor the police have helped us. We have called and called. I'm really angry with social services and school. We called for help and knocked on all the doors, but they left us very alone. They didn't listen to us," says Maria.

The parents say that a lot happens at school and in the evenings.

"It has come to light in the past that they are boffing at the school, but the school has not done enough. It feels like talking to a wall when we've tried to do something," says the father.

The school and the police have so far been reticent about the incident.

In the clip, the mother Maria talks about the incident and the great grief that has affected the family.