Europe 1 with AFP 17:15 p.m., April 29, 2023

The justice has finally rejected the prefectural decree that prohibited unions from distributing whistles and red cards around the Stade de France, on the sidelines of the final of the Coupe de France between Nantes and Toulouse this Saturday evening.

The union rally, scheduled near the Stade de France this Saturday evening, shortly before the final of the Coupe de France between Nantes and Toulouse, can finally take place. The courts have indeed rejected the prefectural decree which prohibited the distribution of whistles and red cards, intended for opponents of the pension reform. The latter intended to use this material in the gallery to express their dissatisfaction to the head of state who will be present in the spans of the enclosure located in Saint-Denis.

Victory of the inter-union: the prefectural decree is suspended by the administrative court. The red cards will be well distributed tonight before the final of the France Cup.

— UFSE-CGT (@UFSE_CGT) April 29, 2023

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