Lucie de Perthuis, edited by Romain Rouillard / Photo credits: XOSE BOUZAS / HANS LUCAS / HANS LUCAS VIA AFP 20:05 pm, April 29, 2023

This Saturday, more than a thousand people gathered in Mamoudzou, capital of Mayotte, to show their support for Operation Wuambushu to dislodge irregular migrants in the slums of the archipelago. An undertaking that it is necessary to carry out, according to Estelle Youssouffa, MP for Mayotte.

If the Wuambushu operation, conducted in Mayotte by the French authorities in order to fight against illegal immigration, is difficult to manage, it received this Saturday the support of more than a thousand Mahorais, gathered in Mamoudzou, capital of the archipelago. These migrants, mostly from neighbouring Comoros, find refuge in unsanitary slums whose initial destruction began a few days ago. Joined by Europe 1, Estelle Youssouffa, Liot MP for Mayotte, does not imagine anything other than a success of this operation and welcomes the mobilization observed this Saturday.

"This mobilization was mainly to pre-empt the pro-Comorian mobilizations that were planned in France and that are driving us crazy, we Mahorais. And then it was to counteract this anti-Wuambushu discourse that seems above ground to me," she said. According to the elected representative, this operation enjoys "massive support" and raises "enormous hope" among the Mahoran population. A reality badly perceived from France, she judges.

"Regaining control of the situation in Mayotte"

A so-called "last chance" operation, according to Estelle Youssouffa that would "regain control of the situation in Mayotte and return to normal life". In any case, the hon. member does not envisage any other way out. "We are, I repeat, doomed to succeed in Operation Wuambushu. Otherwise, it is the population that will take up arms and solve the problem because the situation is no longer livable."


LISTEN ALSO - Operation Wuambushu in Mayotte: can we talk about a new failure for the Minister of the Interior?

And the parliamentarian to highlight the "faith in our forces of order and in the republican order" shown by the Mahorais. "We massively want this Wuambushu operation to succeed. Otherwise, it means that the state has lost control of Mayotte. And that's not acceptable," she concludes.