• King Juan Carlos denied to LOC: "I have no daughter" named Alejandra

King Juan Carlos has denied having maintained a relationship outside of marriage with the aristocrat Rosario Palacios, as they have pointed out in various media in recent days, and "consequently having had a daughter with her."

In statements to Efe, the king emeritus explains that "out of respect for the truth and honor" of the people affected, he is forced to deny this information "rejecting and condemning as false what has been published in relation to this invented matter."

"I absolutely deny having had any love affair with Mrs. Rosario Palacios (q.e.p.d.) and consequently having had a daughter with her," the former head of state emphasizes.

From the revelations contained in the book King Corp., the untold empire of Juan Carlos I, by journalists José María Olmo and David Fernández, about an alleged secret daughter of King Juan Carlos, various media have indicated that it could be Alejandra de Rojas, daughter of the aristocrat Rosario Palacios, died in 2016.

The supplement of EL MUNDO LOC contacted King Juan Carlos to ask him if the information in the book was true and he was blunt: "It is not true that I have a daughter" named Alejandra. Now, the king emeritus, from his residence in Abu Dhabi, returns to deny Efe in a categorical way to have maintained any love relationship with Palacios and, therefore, to be the father of his daughter Alejandra.

Sources of the Royal House already denied this Thursday to EFE having knowledge that King Juan Carlos had a secret daughter, as stated in various press reports.

The appearance of this book coincides with the second visit of the king emeritus to Spain since his departure to the United Arab Emirates more than years ago following information about his business abroad.

Unlike his first visit last year, Don Juan Carlos has spent a few days in the Pontevedra town of Sanxenxo discreetly and without making statements, although he has been photographed on arrival at Vigo airport and with the crew of the Bribón sailboat.

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