The situation in Sudan is acute, and during the fragile ceasefires, a number of countries and organisations are trying to evacuate their staff. Svenska Läkarmissionen has got a few of its employees out.

"We have 130 people in the country and 12 have managed to get out. But we are making major moves within Sudan and Khartoum as well, says Isabella Olsson, global impact manager at Läkarmissionen.

Via satellite, they can see in real time where the staff are. They testify to shootings and grenades, and that they are "very afraid", according to Isabella Olsson. But despite this, Läkarmissionen is determined to continue operating in the country.

"We have been there since 1989 and have dealt with many similar crises in Sudan. We will not leave, says Isabella Olsson.

Listen to Isabella Olsson talk about her colleague's struggle to get water for her children in the clip above.