The leader of Podemos and Minister of Social Rights, Ione Belarra, has sent a letter on Wednesday to the bases of the purple formation to request support and economic collaboration with Canal Red, the television founded by former Vice President Pablo Iglesias.

In that letter, to which Europa Press has had access, he expresses his pride in leading a militancy with "more media education" and discourses that all the sympathizers of the organization have taught them "with blows" that the "media terrain" is "fundamental" in politics.

Moreover, Belarra explains in this communication addressed to the members of Podemos that without "counterpowers" in the media field it is "impossible for transformations in the country to take place and be consolidated."

"I know that it outrages you to see every day, when you watch television or listen to the radio, that the electoral plurality of our country contrasts with the overwhelming media dominance of the right and the extreme right, only compensated by a progress that has never ceased to show great hostility towards us," Belarra adds.

Next, he indicates that a year ago they asked their supporters for support, to the extent of their possibilities, to Iglesias when he launched the podcast 'La Base' and also to other digital journalistic projects.

Canal Red, a television "finally left"

Therefore, he praises that Iglesias and his team have managed to launch a television, Canal Red, which has just managed to enter DTT (by obtaining the license of the extinct 7NN). "There has never been something like Canal Red in Spain, a television committed to a dignified, plural and, finally, left-wing journalism," insists the general secretary of Podemos.

Finally, he details that everything that Canal Red is getting is thanks to the economic support of people like the one registered in Podemos and that "they need more support to continue growing".

"I don't think I have to tell you anything else, mate. Support Canal Red!", concludes the letter from Belarra, who two days ago and in a message on Twitter also asked to become a member of the Iglesias channel and support them.

  • Can
  • Pablo Iglesias
  • Ione Belarra

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