In 2022, Cykelfrämjandet named Helsingborg Sweden's best cycling city. This is despite the fact that cycling in the municipality has not increased in ten years.

Cycling is also at a low level compared to the rest of Skåne. The last major travel habit survey conducted in 2018 showed that 16 percent of trips in Skåne are made by bicycle, in Helsingborg it is 11 percent.

It is also significantly lower than in both Lund and Malmö, see the fact box.

– Unfortunately, there is nothing to indicate that cycling has increased in Helsingborg since the last major measurement in 2018, says Emma Kangas, project manager at the environmental administration.

Important for the climate – already missed milestones

Emma Kangas bases this on the city's nine measuring points of passing bicycles on major cycle paths where both ordinary bicycles and electric bicycles are measured but not electric scooters.

Hear how the city wants to get more people to cycle in the clip.

The city's climate goal is to have net zero emissions in seven years, i.e. by 2030.

In a follow-up report, Helsingborg states that emissions from cars must be reduced at a faster rate than they are at present to achieve this. And that, above all, the number of cyclists does not increase at the rate that is necessary for sustainable development.