"It's great to be here digging. The area was investigated 30 years ago and with the new excavations we can link the finds of the past with the new ones," says Viktoria Björkhager, Regional Director at the National Historical Museums.

The excavations are carried out by them and Östergötland County Museum for two seasons. Norrköping municipality has plans for the site to become a business area in the future.

Inhabited since ancient times

The first settlers settled here already during the Peasant Age, about 6,000 years ago. Although the landscape, climate and society have changed over the millennia, the area has been more or less permanently inhabited since then.

Archaeologists expect to find and examine entire farm environments. Probably from the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age, around 1100 BC. Kr. – 500 e. Kr.

Watch and hear more in the video above.