For more than a week, more than fifty bodies have been exhumed in eastern Kenya as part of an investigation into the death of followers of a sect whose leader allegedly said to fast to "meet Jesus", according to a count established Sunday, April 23.

"Today (Sunday), we exhumed 26 bodies, bringing the total number to 47" since Friday, Charles Kamau, head of criminal investigations in the sub-county of Malindi (east), told AFP, adding that the search continues to find other bodies or possible survivors in the Shakahola forest.

The remains of four followers of the Good News International Church, led by Makenzie Nthenge, had already been found last week by the authorities.

Looking for followers

Followers of the International Church of Good News are still hiding in the forest. A worshipper was found Sunday by authorities. Her eyes bulging, she refused to eat, before being taken away in an ambulance.

"She absolutely refused to receive first aid and she resolutely closed her mouth, refusing to be assisted, wanting to continue her fast until death," Hussein Khalid, a member of Haki Africa, which alerted police to the actions of the International Church of Good News, told AFP.

"We call on the national government to send troops on the ground so that we can go inside (the forest) and rescue these victims who are fasting to death," he said.

"Enough security agents have been deployed and the entire forest of nearly 320 hectares is cordoned off and declared a crime scene," Interior Minister Kithure Kindiki said on Twitter, saying he will visit the scene on Tuesday.

The unfolding Shakahola Forest Massacre is the clearest abuse of the constitutionally enshrined human right to freedom of worship. Prima facie, large- scale crimes under Kenyan law as well as international law have been committed. While the State remains respectful of religious...

— Kithure Kindiki (@KindikiKithure) April 23, 2023

Investigators searched the area for reports of a possible mass grave.

"This is a big blow and a big shock for our country," Sebastian Muteti, child protection officer for Kilifi county, told AFP, saying it was "mass killings".

Eleven other worshippers, seven men and four women aged between 17 and 49, were hospitalized last week after being rescued in the forest.

Sect leader detained

The sect's leader, Makenzie Nthenge, surrendered to the police on 15 April before being taken into custody. According to local media, six Makenzie Nthenge worshippers were also arrested. The case is due to be heard by the courts on 2 May.

In a report seen by AFP, police said they had received reports of people "starving to death under the pretext of meeting Jesus after being brainwashed by a suspect, Makenzie Nthenge, pastor of the International Church of Good News".

According to local media, Makenzie Nthenge was arrested and charged last month after two children starved to death in the custody of their parents. He was later released on bail of 100,000 Kenyan shillings (about 670 euros).

With AFP

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