EU foreign policy chief calls for 'patrolling' in Taiwan Strait

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell in Strasbourg, 18 April 2023. AP - Jean-Francois Badias

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The head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, signed a long article on 23rd April in the columns of the Journal du Dimanche, which he entitled "A cold look at China". This article was not published by chance in a French newspaper: Josep Borrell apparently seemed determined to restore the image of a united Europe in the face of China.


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With our correspondent in Brussels, Pierre Benazet

Emmanuel Macron's recent remarks on the need not to make "followism" or not to "enter into a logic of blocs" about Taiwan seemed to place the French president at odds with his partners in the European Union. The debates were lively in the European Parliament this week and Josep Borrell had spoken in plenary of the risk of a possible action against Taiwan and "the need to reject it".

The head of European diplomacy apparently believes that the debate has not been closed, and he decided, with this tribune in the Journal du dimanche, to set the record straight, on the eve of the meeting of the 27 EU foreign ministers, this Monday, April 24 in Brussels. He wants to put the issue of China on the table and reaffirm the European position which, according to him, has never changed.

[TRIBUNE] - @JosepBorrellF, Vice-President of the European Commission, Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, gives his analysis on the European strategy with Beijing.

— Le JDD (@leJDD) April 23, 2023

There is only one China, yes, but not at the cost of the use of force. And after the naval maneuvers of the Chinese fleet, European navies must "patrol the Taiwan Strait to signify Europe's commitment to freedom of navigation in this absolutely crucial area". And the status quo is the most appropriate solution

Remarks that are likely to displease China, since the Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Qin Gang, on Friday castigated a "definition" of the status quo by the West which amounts to "trampling on Chinese sovereignty".

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  • European Union
  • Taiwan
  • China
  • Josep Borrell
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