Spring 2022 was a mild season with birch pollen, says Åslög Dahl, researcher at the University of Gothenburg. But now the prognosis looks more troublesome. The birch fluctuates with releasing pollen, so if it has been a milder season last year, it will be a more difficult season the following year.

"Then the trees could recharge and form a lot of pollen if they didn't have to work so much the year before. So this year it will be a little worse than it was last year, unfortunately," says Åslög Dahl.

Will it be a more difficult season for pollen allergy sufferers?

"It's hard to say how difficult it will be, but you have to be prepared for it," she says.

The number of allergy sufferers has increased

Pollen allergy is much more common today than it was 60 to 70 years ago.

"The curve started to rise quite steeply upwards from the 70s onwards and it is not certain whether it will subside or continue," she says.

One theory behind the curve is that children during their first three years of life have far fewer bacteria around them. Especially if you live in cities and are not out in nature much.

"Then there may be a greater risk of pollen allergy," says Åslög Dahl.

Start the clip to hear researcher Åslög Dahl talk about how allergy sufferers should prepare for the season.