Nanning, April 4 (ZXS) -- Wen Jinming, a professor at Jinan University, said in Nanning, Guangxi, on the 21th that the China (Guangxi)-ASEAN Artificial Intelligence Conference has been held in Nanning for three consecutive years, and Nanning has a good foundation for building an artificial intelligence innovation platform for Southeast Asia. It is recommended that Nanning strengthen cooperation with the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in the integrated development of artificial intelligence industry and promote the fruition of artificial intelligence industry.

On the same day, the "Overseas Chinese from the East and the West to the Cooperation and Opening - Nanning City and New Overseas Chinese in the Greater Bay Area to Help Industrial Integration and Development" exchange meeting hosted by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Nanning Municipality of Guangxi was held in Nanning. Overseas Chinese experts, scholars and business representatives from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and Guangxi Region focused on promoting the integrated development of cross-border industries between China and ASEAN, and promoting overseas Chinese and high-level talents from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to focus on Nanning to discuss the development of exchanges and cooperation.

Huang Zongcheng, Secretary-General of Nanning Municipal People's Government, said that Nanning is the window and frontier of China's opening up and cooperation with ASEAN, adjacent to Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in the east, and at an important node of the "Belt and Road", with unique location advantages. At present, Nanning is focusing on fully docking with the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, building a cross-border industrial cooperation demonstration zone, promoting the construction of cross-border industrial chains and supply chain value chains such as "Greater Bay Area-Nanning-ASEAN", setting off a new round of development upsurge. This exchange will gather the consensus of high-level talents from Xinqiao in the Greater Bay Area to focus on Nanning and cross-border industrial integration.

Professor Tang Jie of South China University of Technology suggested that Nanning make good use of the resources of the city's universities, strengthen cooperation with universities in the Greater Bay Area, and innovate and promote the construction of the Guangxi-Greater Bay Area Industry-University-Research and Education Integration Talent Innovation Consortium, so as to promote the development of scientific and technological innovation.

Guangxi is striving to build a Zhuang Yao medical highland with distinctive characteristics, facing China and radiating ASEAN. Mo Chunbao, a doctoral candidate at the School of Medicine of Southern University of Science and Technology, suggested that Nanning and the Greater Bay Area should strengthen cooperation in the construction and utilization of big data platforms to empower the development of ethnic medicine and ecological health care industries.

Chen Mingjun, a representative of Hong Kong entrepreneurs, believes that at present, ASEAN countries are vigorously improving production capacity and infrastructure construction, and Nanning enterprises should seize the opportunity, fully integrate resources, adapt measures to local conditions, and explore a business development model that can be replicated and promoted in Southeast Asia.

"Nanning needs more overseas high-level talents to support the high-quality development of Nanning's industry." He Jianshuang, deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the Nanning Municipal Committee of the CPC and director of the Nanning Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, said that under the new situation of Guangxi and Nanning City vigorously promoting the coordinated development of the Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone and the "two bays" of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, we welcome outstanding talent resources from the east to gather in Nanning, take advantage of the talent and intellectual advantages of the Greater Bay Area, promote the accelerated development of Nanning, and let the ship of Nanning's development better sail to ASEAN countries. (End)