• Seville New warning from Brussels by Doñana: it will use "all the means at its disposal" if the irrigation law is approved
  • Andalusia The Government moves to Brussels that it does not trust the arguments of the Board to calm Europe on Doñana

The president of the Andalusian PP and the Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno, announced this Friday in Alcorcón, where he has supported the campaign of the PP in Madrid, that next week he will meet with the European Commissioner for the Environment, Virginijus Sinkevicius, to study the situation of the Doñana National Park.

Moreno has indicated this after this Thursday the European Commission has reiterated in writing that the bill presented by the Junta de Andalucía on irrigation in Doñana "could contravene community environmental legislation."

"What I am going to tell Brussels, in a meeting with the European commissioner next week, to move us from the 25 pages of this bill, which is now in the parliament of Andalusia, exactly what you do not agree with, to study and modify it, "said Moreno.

The Andalusian president has insisted that it is "a bill" and that, "therefore, it is susceptible to modifications and changes" and has also stressed that they are "a government of dialogue" that have been able to agree "on numerous occasions with unions, with social entities, collectives, municipalities. "

"Obviously we are always looking for a point of agreement. It is a pity that the Government of the nation has never wanted, as the minister herself has said, to sit around a table to talk about a problem, which exists and is a reality, "added Moreno, who has reproached the central government for its "electoralism" with this matter.

The Andalusian president has reiterated that it is necessary to make "a reorganization of a territory that is in a situation of illegality and that therefore has trapped in limbo a series of families and workers", but that they are open to any alternative, come from the Government or the European Commission.

"Why does the government come out five weeks before an election date with this battle? Why does Mr. Pedro Sánchez come two hours to Doñana, of course in Falcon and in an all-terrain caravan to take an electoral photo in Doñana?

In addition, he has urged that, if he wants to help solve the matter, put the resources: "This is very simple. Do we want more water in Doñana? More water can be brought to Doñana through surface transfers. Why don't they do those works that are the competence of the State?" he said.

For her part, the president of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, in statements to the media in the park of El Retiro, has also criticized that the PSOE has not made "a single infrastructure so that they could distribute water in such a necessary area, especially for so many families in the province of Huelva. "

In this line, he has censured that in forty years of socialist governments Doñana was never "the concern of the Junta de Andalucía" and now Juanma Moreno is taking measures without "improvising".

"It's after realizing that so many families need to move on. And well, I think that what the president should do instead of going into a spout is to sit down with the president of Andalusia, I understand, and look for solutions, "he said.

  • Doñana
  • Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla
  • European Commission
  • PSOE
  • Huelva
  • PP

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