Sudan: no truce in sight on fifth day of intense fighting

A view of Khartoum, April 18, 2023, as fighting rages in Sudan's capital. © Twitter @ayman_amin_/via REUTERS

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Sudan and its capital are still in the grip of the confrontation of the two most senior military officials: the regular army of General Abdel Fattah Abdelrahman al-Burhan clashes with the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) remained loyal to General Mohammed Hamdan Dogolo, known as Hemedti. Between these two generals, Khartoum has become a huge battlefield. Truces and ceasefires never last more than a few minutes.


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With our special envoy in Khartoum, Eliott Brachet

On the fifth day of the fighting, the exchanges of fire and detonations did not stop. All night, the city shook. At 18 p.m. on Tuesday night, the agreed time for the start of the truce, clashes were still taking place across the capital.

Both sides accuse each other of violating the ceasefire. Neither Al-Burhan nor Hemedti seem to be living up to the commitments they make to the international chancelleries, which have repeatedly called for de-escalation. This Wednesday morning, major strikes are taking place in the city center, around the presidential palace and the command of the armed forces. A huge plume of smoke obscures Khartoum.

A situation out of control

Civilians have not been able to sleep. The purpose of the truce that did not take place was to allow them to evacuate war zones, stock up, transport the wounded to hospitals or bury their dead with dignity, as corpses litter the streets of the city.

Small groups of people this morning are heading south of Khartoum with a few belongings hastily carried away in plastic bags. Contrary to what the army has said in recent days, it is rather the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) that remain loyal to General Hemedti who occupy and control large swathes of the capital. In residential areas, militiamen carried out arrests, looting, and abuses against civilians. The situation seems out of control.

► READ ALSO: Spotlight - Sudan: how the rivalry between two powerful generals led to a bloody confrontation

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