The start of the electoral campaign of Isabel Díaz Ayuso, as has been constant during the last months, has set the objective in "the excesses" of the central government and La Moncloa. Faced with this, the regional president has placed the Community of Madrid as a "moral and political beacon" against the "machinery of power" of Pedro Sánchez to "stop everything that is possible".

"Everything that comes from the Sanchez factory, at first I distrust, and I pass everything through our lawyers so that they look at it well. We always find all kinds of botches. So everything that I do not have to apply I do not intend to apply, "said the popular leader, who has focused mainly on the new Housing Law. "I will try by all means never to intervene the property or get into the prices of rents," he added in an interview on EsRadio.

"Housing is sacred, it's a constitutional right and I'm going to defend it. So as far as I can, I don't plan to touch a single house. On the contrary," said Ayuso, who described as "propaganda of the Sanchista factory" the announcement that 50,000 homes of the Sareb will be allocated to social rent. "They are treating people like compost and now they say 50,000 homes. Then we see that effectively the Sanchita factory returns to take the hair of us all and treat us like fools, "he stressed before reiterating that the Government is making "society fall into amorality" while it is "transforming Spain ideologically, taking it to the extreme left. "

The regional president has pointed out that "Spain is losing the root" and has established the comparison of the current political moment in our country with that of Argentina. "It is a transformation of the book as we saw in other large thriving countries such as Argentina, causingcitizens to become massively impoverished so that they depended on the State," he said, while remarking that the population is "anesthetized."

Ayuso also stressed that both she and her team are "aiming at all the reforms that Spain needs" prioritizing the labor market, laws against squatting, measures against drought and reforms to rules such as Only yes is yes. "Spain needs deep reforms and we are going to be there, of course, but now we have regional and municipal elections ahead."

Within the start of the campaign, the confrontation with Vox, which the popular leader has been holding in recent months, has once again become clear insisting that the formation of Rocío Monasterio has fixed "the enemy was the Community of Madrid". "There hasn't been any rupture because we didn't have anything. We have been governing these four years without any help, "said the regional president, who added that her party only needed "four abstentions" to govern.

However, Ayuso has not closed the doors to a future pact after 28-M if he does not manage to add the absolute majority he pursues since the 4-M was four seats away from getting it. "It is evident with whom I would not agree, which is the disaster, the PSOE. And of course neither with those who are to the left of the PSOE, "he said without mentioning Vox.

On a future government alone, the regional leader has reiterated that "there will be many changes" and has focused on emphasizing the "great team" of deputy councilors and general directors that exist in the Community of Madrid and that could ascend in their responsibilities. "I spend four years casting every day, I don't like to improvise anything," he concluded.

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