• Publication Aless Lequio, in his book: "If something happens to me, remember the sample. I want to have children, even if I'm gone."
  • Tragedy Ana Obregón and the three years of immense pain after the death of her son

On May 13, 2020, Aless Lequio – the son of Ana Obregón (68) and Alessandro Lequio (62) – passed away in a hospital in Barcelona. It was the worst day in the presenter's life. And he tells it in a heartbreaking story published this Wednesday, The Boy with the Shrews. A book that her son began to write and that she has finished in these three years of mourning and pain.

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The three wills of Aless Lequio that Ana Obregón has already fulfilled


The three wills of Aless Lequio that Ana Obregón has already fulfilled


Ana Obregón presents her granddaughter, daughter of Aless Lequio: "It was her last will"

  • Writing: LUIS FERNANDO ROMO Madrid

Ana Obregón presents her granddaughter, daughter of Aless Lequio: "It was her last will"

In its pages Obregón details that terrible night. She could not stand on her own and her relatives had to carry her so that she would not fall. "There is a perfect mess in which they sleep every hellish second of the hardest day of my life. I just remember that I stayed for hours hugging my son until they ripped him from my arms to take him forever," she recalls.

Later, Ana decided to lock herself in her room and read the last words her son left written. A post written for Instagram, which never saw the light: "Everything you do in this life with love has an echo in eternity," begins the text, which is about happiness and the need to dedicate time to the people you hold dear. "I'm no one to give you advice. But, in the end, you only have the time and love you have dedicated to the people you love. That's the only thing you take," Aless wrote.

Ana, open, for God's sake! You have something important to do. Do you remember what Aless asked us, his last will?

Alessandro Lequio

Upon reading the text, Ana relates that she was flooded with indescribable pain and that an urgent need arose to "unleash herself from it". "I went out to the balcony. [...] I was only surrounded by the eternal and insufferable absence of my son."

Anne looked into the abyss. He was on "a seventh floor, the decision was firm. [...] I steeped myself on the railing which was not very high. If I threw myself into the void, I will continue to live with you eternally," he told his son in his head. "Jumping into the abyss was my only option to continue living." "I lifted one leg, passing it to the other side while holding my hands firmly to the railing," Obregón said. "Then I set out to start the same journey with the other leg."

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Just as Ana was about to jump, Lequio knocked on her door. "Ana, open, for God's sake! You have something important to do. Do you remember what Aless asked us, her last will?" said the collaborator of El programa de Ana Rosa. And that was the reason why Ana gave up her attempt. In fact, he chose to live... For his son. "I will fulfill your last will. I will!" he shouted, looking up at the sky.

"Aless, your father never knew that, at that time, your last will saved my life. You will find out by reading these pages," explains Ana, and then clarifies something to her former husband and, of course, to her readers. "I swear that in that instant I saw my act as a salvation. But I want to make it clear that suicide is not an option. It's cowardice," he says.

  • HBPR
  • Ana Obregon
  • Aless Lequio
  • Alessandro Lequio

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