On Monday evening, a man in his 30s was shot in the East district of Umeå. Near the crime scene is Östermalmsskolan, which is a primary school with just over 300 students.

The school had business as usual on Tuesday but was prepared to respond to the children's feelings about the incident.

"We have been prepared to meet this and talked together about an approach. We listen in and take care of any concerns. We reassure the students, says Erika Hägglund, principal at Östermalmsskolan, and continues:

"Children are wise when they ask things, they want to know things. We try to answer what we can. It is also important that we nuance things and speculation.

"We must be observant"

So far, the school does not notice any concern among the students about the incident.

"Some say they know what happened. Worries may come, we must be extra observant. Something extraordinary has happened. There are many children living in the area.

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– We have a hypothesis that it is drug-related, says Fredrik Jeppsson, deputy local police area manager in Umeå. Photo: SVT, Per-Anders Fredriksson