According to Dominion, the parties have agreed that Fox will pay around SEK 8 billion to Dominon instead of deciding the matter in court. Dominon's CEO says Fox also admitted to lying.

"This means that Fox is avoiding what would have been one of the largest defamation trials against a media company ever in the United States. Exactly what the agreement contains, the judge did not say, but it could be hundreds of millions of kronor, given that the damages that Dominion demanded were SEK 16 billion, says SVT's correspondent Fouad Youcefi on site at the courtroom shortly after the announcement.

Claimed Fox spread conspiracy theories

The company Dominion, which is the maker of the vote-counting system used during the 2020 presidential election, sued Fox News, claiming that the channel deliberately spread conspiracy theories that the vote count was not done correctly.

Dominion said Fox News knew the rumors were false, but nevertheless aired several reports claiming the election was rigged in President Joe Biden's favor.

Tuesday was thus the first and last day of the trial.

"After lunch, the court was supposed to reconvene, but no judge showed up. We all wondered why it took so long, and now we found out why, says SVT's corrponent Fouad Youcefi on site at the courtroom.

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Hear how it could sound in the newscasts. SVT's correspondent: This is how Fox News defends itself.