Europe 1 20:10 p.m., April 17, 2023

The local association La voie est libre (LVEL), the radical ecology movement Les Soulèvements de la Terre (SLT), and the agricultural union La Confédération paysanne (CP) are organising multiple actions on the weekend of 22 April to challenge the motorway project linking Castres to Toulouse.

The protest against the A69 motorway project, linking Castres to Toulouse, is entering a new phase. According to information from Europe 1, the local association La voie est libre (LVEL), the radical ecology movement Les Soulèvements de la Terre (SLT), and the agricultural union La Confédération paysanne (CP) are organising a weekend of actions entitled "A69, sortie de route !!!" on 22 and 23 April to denounce this project deemed "useless and ecocide".

An event that is part of the SLT campaign, and which constitutes "Act 2 of season 5 of the movement", describe the organizers. In total, between 1,500 and 2,000 people are expected, including a hundred radical elements.

A demonstration on the route of the motorway

This nationwide mobilization, supported by political figures, promises to be high risk according to the authorities. A demonstration is planned for Saturday, April 22 from noon, on the route of the future highway. The modalities of this mobilization are not yet known, because the organizers could thwart the security device. "Sabotage operations are likely to be carried out by groups of activists on the various sites or infrastructures related to the project (ATOSCA ...), especially on the communes of Cambounet-sur-le-Sor, Pyulaurens and Saix (81-ZGN)", concede the authorities.

According to information from Europe 1, a sleeping possibility is offered at the campsite des Platanes in Vendine (31-ZGN) and the farm of La Coste located in Montégut-Lauragais (31-ZGN) could serve as a camp or logistics base. The place of camp is for the moment kept secret.

The organizers will continue the movement on Sunday, April 23. Still according to information from Europe 1, this day will begin with an "assembly of struggles", followed by workshops of "popular sports" and shows in the afternoon.