Europe 1 11:42 a.m., April 16, 2023

In the midst of the debates on the law concerning pensions, the Minister of Labour, Olivier Dussopt, returned to a growing concern: the issue of inflation. On Europe 1, he returned to the measures put in place by the government for a year, a "daily fight" according to the minister.


An emergency for the most modest households but which this week has passed into the political background with the storm created by the promulgation of the law on pensions. Inflation, which stands at around 6% in France this year, threatens all wallets. Invited to the Grand Rendez-vous d'Europe 1/ CNews/ Les Échos, the Minister of Labour, Full Employment and Integration admits that "it is difficult to provide answers that are totally satisfactory".

No 0% VAT on basic necessities

With the measures put in place for a year by the government, starting with the tariff shield on energy and the inflation compensation cheques, the executive boasts of having one of the lowest inflation rates in Europe. However, the latter continues to reject the proposal of a 0% VAT on basic necessities, notably carried by Marine Le Pen.

>> READ ALSO - Pensions: "There is no contempt, there is the will that everyone be respected", justifies Olivier Dussopt

"On a packet of pasta for example, it represents only four or five cents," defends Olivier Dussopt. "I'm not sure that it's passed on to the price for the consumer and that it's not enough to answer the question of inflation. I think we have more useful and stronger answers," he said.

"And I also note that all these measures to protect the French, which cost a few billion euros of tariff shield or checks to the poorest households, did the MPs allied to Marine Le Pen vote for them? No. When it comes to voting measures that cost several billion euros to really help the French, they are absent subscribers, "tackles the minister. Olivier Dussopt recalled that according to the executive, the best way to fight inflation remains to continue the battle for full employment.