The young 'influencer', Patricia Rite, has died as a result of the skin cancer she was diagnosed with four years ago. This was announced this Sunday by her family through the social networks of the Huelva, with the following message: "Today Patricia Rite has left us. His mother and relatives ask for respect in these difficult times. Thank you to all the people who, in one way or another, have given him support and love in this time, directly or indirectly."

The Andalusian was responsible for giving visibility to cancer from her own experience. Through his networks, he was telling each of his achievements, his advances, but also his hardest moments.

Unlike most cases of skin cancer, Patricia's disease is not due to excessive exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays, but to a mole she had since childhood. From that moment, the young woman began a treatment that was periodically counting her followers: more than 300,000 followers between her Instagram and TikTok accounts.

At the beginning of March, the Huelva woman burst into tears when she received the results of her last TAC. Her health was deteriorating little by little, to the point of needing to spend her last period of life hospitalized due to the severe pain she had. "It is hard to see how whatever you do the disease is taking ground and is not controlled, despairs and frustrates and above all see those who love you most by your side suffer."

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