A two-year-old girl has died and two women have been injured after an accident occurred this Saturday night by a tourism in the Jaén municipality of Alcaudete.

As reported by the Emergency Service 112 Andalusia, the accident took place at 20:15 hours on Saturday, when the 112 received the notice that a car had run over several people on the Camino de Belén. Immediately, the coordinating center has activated the Health Emergency Center (CES) 061 and the Local Police.

Health and police sources have confirmed that, as a result of the event, a minor of almost two years of age has died when she was being transferred to the hospital in Jaén. The 061 has also evacuated two women aged 43 and 73 to the High Resolution Center of Alcaudete.

These sources have indicated that the outrage may have been due to a glare with the sun that prevented the driver from seeing the family crossing the street.

  • Jaén (Spain)
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