It was on January 16 that a police patrol was called to a store in Boden in an unusual case. A security guard caught a man in the act with his hands in the pick & mix.

The man, who is in his 35s, is now charged with minor damage to property at Luleå District Court.

The "sugar craving" took over

He himself states in interrogation that: "he was very craving sweets" and only had four crowns on the card, but he thought he had more. Then the "sugar craving" took over.

Pick & mix sweets that had to be thrown away are estimated to cost SEK 187. But the amount of the fine calculated if the man is convicted amounts to SEK 1,500.

What people think about the goddiskladdet

When SVT reported on the incident in January, several Luleå residents reacted to the loose candy dressing.

"It happens almost every time I'm in the store. I ask them to go to hell," says Robert Björkefors.

Hear more reactions in the clip below.

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"I'm begging them to go to hell" – in the clip you hear several Luleå residents give their opinion on the godisk charging that can result in fines. Photo: Kateryna Yemets/SVT