Chile: an ambitious suicide prevention plan launched in Santiago

In Chile, the Santiago metropolitan area is launching a suicide prevention program, the largest and most ambitious in all of Latin America. © Pablo Rogat's Photostream / GettyImages

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In Chile, the Santiago metropolitan area is launching a suicide prevention program, the largest and most ambitious in all of Latin America. Two million dollars are released and could help nearly a million people in the 52 municipalities of Greater Santiago.


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with our correspondent in Santiago, Naïla Derroisné

Before the health crisis, the center for suicide attempts of a large hospital in Santiago received about three cases a month, today it is three a day...

The pandemic and lockdown have had a serious impact. But it is not only that, the Observatory of Mental Health indicates that in general, the Chilean population tends to be depressed and this would be because of the living conditions, especially economic and social.

Read also: In Chile, anger at the lack of state aid during the pandemic

Even if the pandemic has gradually lifted the veil on mental health issues, in this still conservative society suicide is a very taboo subject. There are also not enough psychiatrists to absorb all the demand.

Hence the need to prevent and this program launched by the region of Santiago. People in crisis will be able, through an online conversation, to discuss with health professionals. Two prevention centres will also be opened and families will be able to benefit from support if one of their loved ones has committed suicide.

¿De qué se trata "Quédate"? Es el Programa de Prevención del Suicidio lanzado por el @GobiernoRM.

A través de un canal de chat, la iniciativa busca ayudar en momentos de crisis, específicamente relacionadas con la temática del suicidio.

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— PsiConecta (@psiconectacl) April 14, 2023 Chile is the 6th country in Latin America with the highest suicide rate and mental health is one of the major causes of the government of Gabriel Boric, himself suffering from OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder that he can control.

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