Samarkand, Uzbekistan, 4 Apr (ZXS) -- On 14 April local time, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Samarkand.

Qin Gang said that not long ago, President Xi Jinping successfully paid a state visit to Russia, achieved fruitful results, and provided strategic guidance and fundamental compliance for deepening China-Russia relations in the new era. China is willing to work with Russia to implement the consensus of the two heads of state as the core task and promote the high-level operation of bilateral relations. The two sides should maintain high-level exchanges and maintain political mutual trust. Promote the early implementation of the Joint Statement on the Development Plan for Key Directions of China-Russia Economic Cooperation before 2030 signed by the two heads of state, and lead the high-quality development of bilateral economic and trade cooperation. Deepen exchanges and cooperation in legislation, people-to-people and other fields.

Qin Gang said that in the face of a chaotic and intertwined world, President Xi Jinping has put forward a series of major initiatives and concepts to promote joint efforts to build a world of lasting peace, universal security, common prosperity, openness, inclusiveness, cleanliness and beauty, gather the greatest common denominator of consensus of all parties, contribute China's solutions to jointly address global challenges, and welcome Russia's active support and participation.

Lavrov said that Russia's and China's high-frequency high-level interaction and strategic coordination demonstrate the positive trend and full resilience of bilateral relations. The Russian side is willing to implement the important consensus of the two heads of state with China, promote the key plan of Russian-Chinese economic cooperation, give full play to the role of cooperation mechanisms in various fields, and further facilitate personnel exchanges. The Russian side firmly supports China in safeguarding its core interests, actively supports the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, advocates defending the UN Charter, adheres to the principle of sovereign equality, advocates effective multilateralism, and is willing to work together to maintain regional peace, stability and sustainable development.

The two sides will continue to strengthen coordination and cooperation within multilateral frameworks such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and BRICS to promote multipolarization of the world and democracy in international relations.

The two sides will strengthen the docking of the "Belt and Road" initiative with the Eurasian Economic Union, explore the development of free trade research, and strive for early harvest.

The two sides also exchanged views on the Ukraine crisis. Qin Gang introduced the recent appeal made by China to the international community, stressing that there is no panacea for resolving the crisis, and that all parties need to start from themselves, accumulate mutual trust, and create conditions for peace talks to stop the war. China will continue to play a constructive role in promoting political settlement and resuming peace talks. Lavrov spoke positively of China's position and proposition, saying that complex problems should seek systemic solutions, and Russia opposes bloc confrontation and will continue to adhere to the direction of political settlement. (End)