• Brussels Natural Park insists it will demand the protection of Doñana and threatens "new measures"
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Economic growth, increased employment, social peace, feminism and much, much Doñana. Pedro Sánchez intervened in Cáceres this Thursday in the launch of the local candidate for re-election the City Council, that is, in a party act, but in the passage he dedicated to the controversy raised this week with respect to the Andalusian national park he wanted to specify that he spoke "as president of the Government". At that time he did make the distinction, with the clear purpose that his message had more depth than the typical rally harangue, although it seemed so because of his expressions: "Doñana is not a farmhouse of anyone and less of the right and the Andalusian ultra-right".

So in his double position (in the morning he had been visiting a school institutionally as president of the Government in an act made public only a few hours before), Sánchez took the Doñana case as the central axis of his speech in the afternoon to emphasize that the PSOE is not only distinguished, according to his speech, as a "feminist" party but also an "environmentalist" one. And then he entered fully into his criticism of the regional executive of Moreno Bonilla, although he did not quote it expressly: "Why so much arrogance?" asked Sánchez in direct reference to the Andalusian president, to add: "What else does the Andalusian right need to recognize the error and stop this outrage?"

In parallel, he argued that his government had approved in December a specific plan to "save Doñana" for 260 million euros, of which, according to his accounts, 90 million had already been executed, that is, 26%. And he lamented the "political and economic" warnings of the European Union about possible sanctions if the deterioration of the "main refuge in Europe for migratory birds" is not corrected. In this sense, Sánchez took heart on the implementation of the first Climate Change Law, "which represents a great opportunity to do things right." For this, he said, his government has managed to have "the cheapest energy in Europe" and this was achieved, he said, with the approval of the Iberian exception.

In another order of things, Sánchez already put himself in electoral campaign and summarized in his speech what he considered the main achievements of "the four years of legislature", despite, he criticized, "the forecasts of the prophets of the right and the extreme right, who do not give one. " And in this list he included the increase in the Minimum Interprofessional Wage ("achieving the highest affiliation in the history of Social Security"); the revaluation of pensions ("we are reducing the public deficit"). "They predicted a hot autumn of social mobilizations and we find Spain as a country in Europe with greater social peace, so I feel sorry for them," he said in reference to the opposition. In this section he also added the labor reform that has achieved, as he explained, that now there is one in two indefinite contracts when before the proportion was one versus 10. In addition, he announced that before the end of the legislature he will approve "the first Housing Law in the history of democracy" to achieve, he said, a more prompt possibility of emancipation of young people.

To conclude, he compared what he considered two different ways of governing in the last two major crises that have occurred, that of the pandemic, under his mandate, which he considered much more important, than that of 2013, the date on which he concretized the financial one. "They threw people into the streets and there were six million unemployed and we have protected 4 million workers, 1.5 million self-employed and thousands and thousands of companies." The arguments of the next electoral appointments are already on the table.

  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla
  • PSOE

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