She said this, speaking at the forum of the AMERICAN-Ukrainian partnership.

Nuland noted that the world bank estimated the cost of reconstruction of Ukraine at $ 411 billion.

"In February, we announced the first tranche under these powers (for the confiscation of private funds) of $ 5.4 million, followed by new announcements. Of course, discussions continue about the fate of about $ 300 billion of assets of the Russian central bank, which we and our allies froze, "RIA Novosti quoted her as saying.

The agency recalls that the United States in February confiscated in favor of Ukraine about $ 5.4 million from the account of Russian entrepreneur Konstantin Malofeev in Sunflower Bank.

The journalist of The New York Times Patricia Cohen previously noted that the confiscation of Russian assets in the United States and Europe could lead to problems for the world economy.