Videos circulating on social media showed the arrest of Pentagon leaker Jack Teixeira, who apparently did not know he was being monitored and that his arrest was imminent.

The video shows Teixeira, 21, sitting on a bench reading a book, as if he did not know the extent of the damage he had caused to his country by his leaks, as he was arrested without resistance.

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland said the arrest was carried out without any complications, adding that investigations were ongoing and the suspect would appear in a Massachusetts court.

🇺🇸📃🕵🏻‍♂️📹Jack #Teixeira was detained at his home in Massachusetts. The young man, when the #FBI agents arrived, was sitting quietly on the veranda with a book. He did not resist, surrendered to the authorities, as can be seen on the footage of the local TV channel.

— Tofurious (@WeTheFury) April 13, 2023

NBC quoted US officials as saying chat room official Jack Teixeira was suspected of leaking classified documents.

It added, citing the same sources, that the security services were tracking Teixeira's movement.

The New York Times, citing sources familiar with the matter, reported that the leaker of the Pentagon documents is a member of the Massachusetts Air National Guard intelligence.

The Washington Post said Teixeira had access to sensitive information through his work in the military's information technology department.