The 52-year-old man is suspected of possessing and disseminating secret and sensitive information about a large number of defense facilities.

Foreign power

According to senior prosecutor Lars Hedvall, the man has partly possessed secret information, but also sent it around and posted it on some form of online forum.

Why is the data sensitive?

"The information is sensitive because the authorities assess that there would be a risk to Sweden's security if foreign powers, i.e. other countries, get hold of the information," he says.

The crime is considered serious because it involves a large number of defense facilities that are important for Sweden's ability to defend the country in the event of war.

"Clusters of cases"

The crime came to light in connection with the authorities' investigation of several cases in the same area.

"This is part of a cluster of different cases that we have investigated over time. It has been established that there has been an active online forum with content of this nature, says Lars Hedvall.

Is the man known to Swedish authorities?

"I dare not answer that. But from my perspective, this seems to be an ordinary Swedish person who has a great interest in this type of facility.

Now the main hearing awaits in court where it will be decided whether the man can be convicted of the crime, and if so, what punishment the man should receive.