• Direct War Ukraine - Russia, last minute
  • Defense Spain finishes the training of the Ukrainians who will handle the Leopard

Spain was the key for Germany to authorize the shipment of Leopard tanks to Ukraine. This was revealed by the Ukrainian Minister of Defense, Oleksii Reznikov, during the press conference he gave this Wednesday with Minister Margarita Robles in Madrid, on his first visit to Spain.

"I want to find out to you that the outbreak of our tank coalition arose after the private conversations I had with the minister," Reznikov said. He then explained that when he explained the need for Leopard tanks, Robles told him that we could not ship without the authorization of Germany, which was its manufacturer, but that instead we could use the Leopard 2E that are deployed in Latvia to train Ukrainian military.

With that offer, Reznikov called his German counterpart, who upon learning of Spain's offer began the movements to send cars. Thus, Germany has currently promised 18 of these Leopards to Ukraine. Spain is finalizing the maneuvers of the first six tanks that it will send to the front. As reported by the minister, they will be sent by sea along with 20 Armored Caterpillar Transport vehicles and expect them to be in Ukraine by the end of the month. In addition, Spain already repairs another four Leopards to complete the ten armored vehicles that we have promised Zelenski.

Help for the three armies

During the extensive press conference, in which Reznikov offered many details, the Ukrainian minister wanted to ask for help for the three armies. Thus, for the first time there has been talk of the Navy. "The Spanish Hankook are making it easier for the ships to survive," the minister has revealed bluntly. For the first time it is confirmed that Spain sent these missiles, key according to Reznikov to ensure the safety of ships that export grain and sunflower oil from Ukrainian ports. The Ukrainian troops are very interested, he said, in everything that the Spanish Navy can bring them. For its efforts in the Black Sea are focused on protecting grain on the one hand and on recovering the occupied territories. "For this task we need ships, marine drones... we need more technical assistance of any kind that can support our Marine Corps and other components of the Navy."

In the field of airspace defense, Minister Robles has been affirming for months that Spain cannot send planes, because we do not have what Ukraine requests. However, Reznikov today has opened himself to any kind of help: "For us anti-aircraft systems are the priority, this includes everything that can be involved in air defense. And of course a fighter jet is part of the anti-aircraft defense. We are very interested in the new generation aircraft, the 4++, the F16 and the products of the Swiss company Saab."

After asking the minister if Spain will now study the sending of some type of aircraft now that other needs have been opened, Robles replied that "what Spain does not have, it cannot give."

  • Ukraine
  • Germany
  • Latvia
  • War Ukraine Russia
  • Margarita Robles

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