French social media platforms circulated a video showing the moment of the arrest of a young man who tried to storm the convoy of President Emmanuel Macron, the moment he arrived at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

The incident occurred after the French president got out of a limousine he was travelling in with Dutch King Willem-Alexander and was received by Amsterdam Mayor Vimke Halsima.

The video showed a young man running towards President Emmanuel Macron the moment he arrived at the university, chanting the famous "We are here" song of the yellow vest movement, which led mass protests against the French government years ago, before being arrested by presidential guard security agents.

🇳🇱Vanuit een andere hoek!🇳🇱
Demonstrant gearresteerd terwijl Macron de universiteit van Amsterdam bezoekt: tv-beelden


— Van Emmerick Kris (@VanEmmerickKris) April 12, 2023

The song's lyrics read, "We are here, we are here even if Macron doesn't want to," and "We are here for the honor of the workers and for a better world, even if Macron doesn't want to, we're here."

Un homme crie "On est là, on est là" à l'arrivée d'Emmanuel Macron à l'université d'Amsterdam avant d'être plaqué au sol

— BFMTV (@BFMTV) April 12, 2023

French media, citing Dutch police, reported that two protesters "a man and a woman" were arrested on charges of "disturbing public order and threatening" because they were running towards President Macron, and one of the arrested protesters was holding a banner.

Macron arrived in the Netherlands on Wednesday in the first visit by a French president to the country in 23 years.