"Taking measures to respond to the threat to European security emanating from Russia is the most pressing priority of foreign and security policy in the short and medium term," Ahmad said.

At the same time, in response to Campbell-Savors' question on how the British government assesses the statement of Russia and China "on deepening relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction entering a new era," which was adopted during the visit of Chinese leader Xi Jinping to Moscow, Ahmad expressed the opinion that China today "represents an epochal and systemic challenge."

"In view of this, we are concerned about the deepening strategic partnership between China and Russia, as well as its potential implications for an open and stable international order," the House of Lords member added.

At the end of March, Chinese President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to Russia. During the talks with Vladimir Putin, he stressed that Beijing's course for strategic cooperation with Moscow remains unchanged.

According to him, both countries consider bilateral relations "as a priority in their diplomacy and foreign policy."

For his part, Putin stressed that Moscow values relations with Beijing and the level they have reached in recent years.

Recall that Russian officials, commenting on the attacks of foreign politicians about the alleged "threat" from Moscow, have repeatedly stressed that Russia does not threaten anyone, including nuclear weapons. In particular, this was stated by President Vladimir Putin. At the same time, he said: "But everyone should know that we have (nuclear weapons. "RT) and that we will use it to protect our sovereignty."