• Catalonia 50 minutes of 'police interrogation' only in Catalan to the Andalusian nurse
  • Reactions Vox, Citizens and PP demand the appearance of the Minister of Health in the Parliament for the interrogation of the Andalusian nurse
  • Controversy RTVE paid two million to the producer who mocked the Virgen del Rocío, who also signed aid with the Ministry of Culture

The Andalusian president, Juanma Moreno, said on Wednesday that he "misses" that the Government of Spain exercises a leadership that translates into the "defense" of the territories, after the signs of "intolerance" and "hostility" that he perceives on the part of the Catalan Executive towards other communities such as Andalusia.

Moreno, who has participated in an informative meeting in which he has presented the coordinator of the PP, Elías Bendodo, has referred in this way to events that occurred recently such as the parody of the Virgen del Rocío in the space "Està passant" of TV3, and the pressure suffered by an Andalusian nurse who criticized having to speak in Catalan.

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Nationalism crosses the line with the Andalusian nurse

Nationalism crosses the line with the Andalusian nurse

Run the mile.

If the Andalusians cry let it be for the Catalans

  • Writing: RAFA LATORRE

If the Andalusians cry let it be for the Catalans

The Andalusian president has pointed out that Spain is stronger if there is "co-responsibility" between the administrations but above all there must be "respect", and beyond the defense of traditions and culture when "someone mocks" them, there is respect between the institutions themselves.

He stressed that Catalonia is "a sister land" to which the Andalusians love "deeply", so he has drawn attention that from this love it is painful "how a land so cosmopolitan and so open" allows to act with "that intolerance and lack of respect", in this case towards Andalusia.

According to the Andalusian president, it is not only a "mockery" of the culture and traditions of Andalusia but we are witnessing an "almost hostile and aggressive persecution" in cases such as that of the Andalusian nurse who criticized that she had to speak in Catalan to be able to work in that community.

And given this, Moreno recognizes that "it is missed" a Government of Spain that acts with "leadership", playing a decisive role to defend "the territories and singularities" that exist in the Spanish geography.

He has advocated "building bridges" but has warned that these cannot be built "above Andalusia", and added that if so, from his government he will not let "not a millimeter" pass.

  • Government of Spain
  • Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla
  • PP

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